YEC Buying & Selling Companies   
   Using Your Financials to Project Out the Future Value of Your Business

Hosted by Buying & Selling Companies Chair Ryan Tansom

For this month's Buying & Selling Companies meeting, fellow member and YEC Buying & Selling Companies chair Ryan Tansom led a discussion around using your financials to project the future value of your business. 

Ryan provided insights to our members, which assisted with evaluating your company's net worth. Check out some of the steps below.

  • Understand your net worth and annual income to grasp your company's worth fully.
  • Look at your income statements, balance sheets, and changes in cash flows; in collaboration with your budget, you will get your out-year projection.
  • Understand what you will owe in taxes before they are due. Utilize income statements, balance sheets, and changes in cash flow to understand the net cash you can provide to a project.
  • Calculate your value gap analysis to understand your net proceeds.

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